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Social Responsibility Policy

Our company, which acts with the principle of “People First” at every stage of production and management and has a sense of social responsibility;

 Compliance with laws and other obligations

To continuously monitor and operate in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and our customers' business partnership rules,

 Forced Labor

Not to employ contracted, forced or involuntary labor

 Freedom of Association

Not to interfere with workers who organize legally and peacefully

 Child Labor

To act in accordance with the procedures and principles of child and young labor employment and not to employ workers under the minimum working age specified in the laws

 Prevention of Harassment and Ill-Treatment

Not to impose institutional punishment, not to allow physical and psychological harassment or coercion

 Wages and Payments

To make payments to employees determined by law

 Working Hours

To comply with the applicable laws and obligations in determining working hours and the principle of voluntariness in overtime

 Prevention of Discrimination

To employ people not based on race, color, language, religion, ethnic origin or gender, but based on their ability to do the job to implement this in its compensation and promotions

 Occupational Health and Safety

To comply with the obligations arising from national legislation regarding occupational health and safety, to take precautions by determining workplace risks, to adopt a working system that prioritizes the general health of employees, and to carry out occupational health and safety activities in accordance with internationally accepted management standards and aiming for continuous development


To comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, to prevent environmental pollution, to reduce pollution at its source and to carry out environmental management activities in accordance with internationally accepted management standards and aiming for continuous development

 Compliance with Customs Legislation

To comply with all local and international legislation in force regarding customs, to establish programs that are compatible with these legislations and will prevent illegal shipment of the products it produces


To ensure that there are no unreported goods (narcotics, explosives, biological substances and smuggled goods) that may violate security in overseas shipments
