BEKS ÇORAP VE İC GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.; accepts and undertakes to comply with the Laws and Legislations of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey, the environmental law numbered 2872 and the environmental protection policy specified in the social compliance and environmental rules of the international brands we are suppliers (Annex 2).
Our Purpose; The purpose of this policy is to determine the necessary surveillance and inspection system in order to ensure the satisfaction of 3rd parties as well as our internal and external customers in BEKS ÇORAP VE İC GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.; company, to aim to be an environmentally sensitive and customer-oriented organization by considering these activities, and to define responsibilities.
Our policy covers all issues related to our employees, customers, guests and our company BEKS ÇORAP VE İC GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.;.
Responsibility and Distribution
The responsibility for preparing, updating and communicating this policy to the relevant units/individuals lies with the Company Owner/Human Resources Manager/Human Resources Department.
BEKS ÇORAP VE İÇ GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.; All kinds of suggestions, wishes, complaints and feedback that may come through regarding the company are collected in our system under the control of the Information Technology Department Manager. Suggestions, wishes, complaints and feedback collected in the system are checked daily and will be forwarded to the relevant departments and individuals by the Information Technology Department Manager within 3 days at the latest. The forms sent will be answered by the relevant person or department within 5 business days at the latest. Calls coming to our phone number (0282) 736 30 00 will be transferred to the relevant department immediately after the subject is learned and entered into the system by the Switchboard Operator. The transferred interviews will be recorded in writing by the relevant department and forwarded to the Human Resources Department. The status of the suggestions, requests, complaints and feedback on the subject will be followed up by the Human Resources Manager.
All incoming suggestions, requests, complaints and feedback are collected and analyzed by the HR Department and reviewed and re-evaluated at the Management Review Meetings held at the end of the year and internal audit is performed.